Generalized Algebraic Data Types, or GADTs for short, are an extension of the variants we saw in Chapter 6, Variants. GADTs are more expressive than regular variants, which helps you create types that more precisely match the shape of the program you want to write. That can help you write code that’s safer, more concise, and more efficient.
At the same time, GADTs are an advanced feature of OCaml, and their power comes at a distinct cost. GADTs are harder to use and less intuitive than ordinary variants, and it can sometimes be a bit of a puzzle to figure out how to use them effectively. All of which is to say that you should only use a GADT when it makes a big qualitative improvement to your design.
That said, for the right use-case, GADTs can be really transformative, and this chapter will walk through several examples that demonstrate the range of use-cases that GADTs support.
At their heart, GADTs provide two extra features above and beyond ordinary variants:
- They let the compiler learn more type information when you descend into a case of a pattern match.
- They make it easy to use existential types, which let you work with data of a specific but unknown type.
It’s a little hard to understand these features without working through some examples, so we’ll do that next.
A Little Language
One classic use-case for GADTs is for writing typed expression languages, similar to the boolean expression language described in Chapter 6, Variants. In this section, we’ll create a slightly richer language that lets us mix arithmetic and boolean expressions. This means that we have to deal with the possibility of ill-typed expressions, e.g., an expression that adds a bool
and an int
Let’s first try to do this with an ordinary variant. We’ll declare two types here: value
, which represents a primitive value in the language (i.e., an int
or a bool
), and expr
, which represents the full set of possible expressions.
We can write a recursive evaluator for this type in a pretty straight-ahead style. First, we’ll declare an exception that can be thrown when we hit an ill-typed expression, e.g., when encountering an expression that tries to add a bool and an int.
With that in hand, we can write the evaluator itself.
This implementation is a bit ugly because it has a lot of dynamic checks to detect type errors. Indeed, it’s entirely possible to create an ill-typed expression which will trip these checks.
This possibility of ill-typed expressions doesn’t just complicate the implementation: it’s also a problem for users, since it’s all too easy to create ill-typed expressions by mistake.
Making the Language Type-Safe
Let’s consider what a type-safe version of this API might look like in the absence of GADTs. To even express the type constraints, we’ll need expressions to have a type parameter to distinguish integer expressions from boolean expressions. Given such a parameter, the signature for such a language might look like this.
The functions int_eval
and bool_eval
deserve some explanation. You might expect there to be a single evaluation function, with this signature.
But as we’ll see, we’re not going to be able to implement that, at least, not without using GADTs. So for now, we’re stuck with two different evaluators, one for each type of expression.
Now let’s write an implementation that matches this signature.
As you can see, the ill-typed expression we had trouble with before can’t be constructed, because it’s rejected by OCaml’s type-system.
So, what happened here? How did we add the type-safety we wanted? The fundamental trick is to add what’s called a phantom type. In this definition:
the type parameter 'a
is the phantom type, since it doesn’t show up in the body of the definition of t
Because the type parameter is unused, it’s free to take on any value. That means we can constrain the use of that type parameter arbitrarily in the signature, which is a freedom we use to add the type-safety rules that we wanted.
This all amounts to an improvement in terms of the API, but the implementation is if anything worse. We still have the same evaluator with all of its dynamic checking for type errors. But we’ve had to write yet more wrapper code to make this work.
Also, the phantom-type discipline is quite error prone. You might have missed the fact that the type on the eq
function above is wrong!
It looks like it’s polymorphic over the type of expressions, but the evaluator only supports checking equality on integers. As a result, we can still construct an ill-typed expression, phantom-types notwithstanding.
This highlights why we still need the dynamic checks in the implementation: the types within the implementation don’t necessarily rule out ill-typed expressions. The same fact explains why we needed two different eval
functions: the implementation of eval doesn’t have any type-level guarantee of when it’s handling a bool expression versus an int expression, so it can’t safely give results where the type of the result varies based on the result of the expression.
Trying to Do Better with Ordinary Variants
To see why we need GADTs, let’s see how far we can get without them. In particular, let’s see what happens when we try to encode the typing rules we want for our DSL directly into the definition of the expression type. We’ll do that by putting an ordinary type parameter on our expr
and value
types, in order to represent the type of an expression or value.
This looks promising at first, but it doesn’t quite do what we want. Let’s experiment a little.
So far so good. But if you think about it for a minute, you’ll realize this doesn’t actually do what we want. For one thing, the type of the outer expression is always just equal to the type of the inner expression, which means that some things that should type-check don’t.
Also, some things that shouldn’t typecheck do.
The problem here is that the way we want to use the type parameter isn’t supported by ordinary variants. In particular, we want the type parameter to be populated in different ways in the different tags, and to depend in non-trivial ways on the types of the data associated with each tag. That’s where GADTs can help.
GADTs to the Rescue
Now we’re ready to write our first GADT. Here’s a new version of our value
and expr
types that correctly encode our desired typing rules.
The syntax here requires some decoding. The colon to the right of each tag is what tells you that this is a GADT. To the right of the colon, you’ll see what looks like an ordinary, single-argument function type, and you can almost think of it that way; specifically, as the type signature for that particular tag, viewed as a type constructor. The left-hand side of the arrow states the types of the arguments to the constructor, and the right-hand side determines the type of the constructed value.
In the definition of each tag in a GADT, the right-hand side of the arrow is an instance of the type of the overall GADT, with independent choices for the type parameter in each case. Importantly, the type parameter can depend both on the tag and on the type of the arguments. Eq
is an example where the type parameter is determined entirely by the tag: it always corresponds to a bool expr
. If
is an example where the type parameter depends on the arguments to the tag, in particular the type parameter of the If
is the type parameter of the then and else clauses.
Let’s try some examples.
What we see here is that the type-safety rules we previously enforced with signature-level restrictions on phantom types are now directly encoded in the definition of the expression type.
These type-safety rules apply not just when constructing an expression, but also when deconstructing one, which means we can write a simpler and more concise evaluator that doesn’t need any type-safety checks.
Note that we now have a single polymorphic eval function, as opposed to the two type-specific evaluators we needed when using phantom types.
GADTs, Locally Abstract Types, and Polymorphic Recursion
The above example lets us see one of the downsides of GADTs, which is that code using them needs extra type annotations. Look at what happens if we write the definition of value
without the annotation.
The issue here is that OCaml by default isn’t willing to instantiate ordinary type variables in different ways in the body of the same function, which is what is required here. We can fix that by adding a locally abstract type, which doesn’t have that restriction.
This isn’t the same annotation we wrote earlier, and indeed, if we try this approach with eval
, we’ll see that it doesn’t work.
This is a pretty unhelpful error message, but the basic problem is that eval
is recursive, and inference of GADTs doesn’t play well with recursive calls.
More specifically, the issue is that the type-checker is trying to merge the locally abstract type a
into the type of the recursive function eval
, and merging it into the outer scope within which eval
is defined is the way in which a
is escaping its scope.
We can fix this by explicitly marking eval
as polymorphic, which OCaml has a handy type annotation for.
This works because by marking eval
as polymorphic, the type of eval
isn’t specialized to a
, and so a
doesn’t escape its scope.
It’s also helpful here because eval
itself is an example of polymorphic recursion, which is to say that eval
needs to call itself at multiple different types. This comes up, for example, with If
, since the If
itself must be of type bool
, but the type of the then and else clauses could be of type int
. This means that when evaluating If
, we’ll dispatch eval
at a different type than it was called on.
As such, eval
needs to see itself as polymorphic. This kind of polymorphism is basically impossible to infer automatically, which is a second reason we need to annotate eval
’s polymorphism explicitly.
The above syntax is a bit verbose, so OCaml has syntactic sugar to combine the polymorphism annotation and the creation of the locally abstract types:
This type of annotation is the right one to pick when you write any recursive function that makes use of GADTs.
When Are GADTs Useful?
The typed language we showed above is a perfectly reasonable example, but GADTs are useful for a lot more than designing little languages. In this section, we’ll try to give you a broader sampling of the kinds of things you can do with GADTs.
Varying Your Return Type
Sometimes, you want to write a single function that can effectively have different types in different circumstances. In some sense, this is totally ordinary. After all, OCaml’s polymorphism means that values can take on different types in different contexts. List.find
is a fine example. The signature indicates that the type of the result varies with the type of the input list.
And of course you can use List.find
to produce values of different types.
But this approach is limited to simple dependencies between types that correspond to how data flows through your code. Sometimes you want types to vary in a more flexible way.
To make this concrete, let’s say we wanted to create a version of find
that is configurable in terms of how it handles the case of not finding an item. There are three different behaviors you might want:
- Throw an exception.
- Return
. - Return a default value.
Let’s try to write a function that exhibits these behaviors without using GADTs. First, we’ll create a variant type that represents the three possible behaviors.
Now we can write flexible_find
, which takes an If_not_found.t
as a parameter and varies its behavior accordingly.
Here are some examples of the above function in action:
This mostly does what we want, but the problem is that flexible_find
always returns an option, even when it’s passed Raise
or Default_to
, which guarantees that the None
case is never used.
To eliminate the unnecessary option in the Raise
and Default_to
cases, we’re going to turn If_not_found.t
into a GADT. In particular, we’ll mint it as a GADT with two type parameters: one for the type of the list element, and one for the return type of the function.
As you can see, Raise
and Default_to
both have the same element type and return type, but Return_none
provides an optional return value.
Here’s a definition of flexible_find
that takes advantage of this GADT.
As you can see from the signature of flexible_find
, the return value now depends on the type of If_not_found.t
, which means it can depend on the particular variant of If_not_found.t
that’s in use. As a result, flexible_find
only returns an option when it needs to.
Capturing the Unknown
Code that works with unknown types is routine in OCaml, and comes up in the simplest of examples:
The type variables 'a
and 'b
indicate that there are two unknown types here, and these type variables are universally quantified. Which is to say, the type of tuple
is: for all types a
and b
, a -> b -> a * b
And indeed, we can restrict the type of tuple
to any 'a
and 'b
we want.
Sometimes, however, we want type variables that are existentially quantified, meaning that instead of being compatible with all types, the type represents a particular but unknown type.
GADTs provide one natural way of encoding such type variables. Here’s a simple example.
This type packs together a value of some arbitrary type, along with a function for converting values of that type to strings.
We can tell that 'a
is existentially quantified because it shows up on the left-hand side of the arrow but not on the right, so the 'a
that shows up internally doesn’t appear in a type parameter for stringable
itself. Essentially, the existentially quantified type is bound within the definition of stringable
The following function can print an arbitrary stringable
We can use print_stringable
on a collection of stringable
s of different underlying types.
The thing that lets this all work is that the type of the underlying object is existentially bound within the type stringable
. As such, the type of the underlying values can’t escape the scope of stringable
, and any function that tries to return such a value won’t type-check.
It’s worth spending a moment to decode this error message, and the meaning of the type variable $Stringable_'a
in particular. You can think of this variable as having three parts:
- The
marks the variable as an existential. Stringable
is the name of the GADT tag that this variable came from.'a
is the name of the type variable from inside that tag.
Abstracting Computational Machines
A common idiom in OCaml is to combine small components into larger computational machines, using a collection of component-combining functions, or combinators.
GADTs can be helpful for writing such combinators. To see how, let’s consider an example: pipelines. Here, a pipeline is a sequence of steps where each step consumes the output of the previous step, potentially does some side effects, and returns a value to be passed to the next step. This is analogous to a shell pipeline, and is useful for all sorts of system automation tasks.
But, can’t we write pipelines already? After all, OCaml comes with a perfectly serviceable pipeline operator:
This works well enough, but the advantage of a custom pipeline type is that it lets you build extra services beyond basic execution of the pipeline, e.g.:
- Profiling, so that when you run a pipeline, you get a report of how long each step of the pipeline took.
- Control over execution, like allowing users to pause the pipeline mid-execution, and restart it later.
- Custom error handling, so, for example, you could build a pipeline that kept track of where it failed, and offered the possibility of restarting it.
The type signature of such a pipeline type might look something like this:
Here, the type ('a,'b) t
represents a pipeline that consumes values of type 'a
and emits values of type 'b
. The operator @>
lets you add a step to a pipeline by providing a function to prepend on to an existing pipeline, and empty
gives you an empty pipeline, which can be used to seed the pipeline.
The following shows how we could use this API for building a pipeline like our earlier example using |>
. Here, we’re using a functor, which we’ll see in more detail in Chapter 10, Functors, as a way to write code using the pipeline API before we’ve implemented it.
If all we want is a pipeline capable of a no-frills execution, we can define our pipeline itself as a simple function, the @>
operator as function composition. Then executing the pipeline is just function application.
But this way of implementing a pipeline doesn’t give us any of the extra services we discussed. All we’re really doing is step-by-step building up the same kind of function that we could have gotten using the |>
We could get a more powerful pipeline by simply enhancing the pipeline type, providing it with extra runtime structures to track profiles, or handle exceptions, or provide whatever else is needed for the particular use-case. But this approach is awkward, since it requires us to pre-commit to whatever services we’re going to support, and to embed all of them in our pipeline representation.
GADTs provide a simpler approach. Instead of concretely building a machine for executing a pipeline, we can use GADTs to abstractly represent the pipeline we want, and then build the functionality we want on top of that representation.
Here’s what such a representation might look like.
The tags here represent the two building blocks of a pipeline: Step
corresponds to the @>
operator, and Empty
corresponds to the empty
pipeline, as you can see below.
With that in hand, we can do a no-frills pipeline execution easily enough.
But we can also do more interesting things. For example, here’s a function that executes a pipeline and produces a profile showing how long each step of a pipeline took.
The more abstract GADT approach for creating a little combinator library like this has several advantages over having combinators that build a more concrete computational machine:
The core types are simpler, since they are typically built out of GADT tags that are just reflections of the types of the base combinators.
The design is more modular, since your core types don’t need to contemplate every possible use you want to make of them.
The code tends to be more efficient, since the more concrete approach typically involves allocating closures to wrap up the necessary functionality, and closures are more heavyweight than GADT tags.
Narrowing the Possibilities
Another use-case for GADTs is to narrow the set of possible states for a given data-type in different circumstances.
One context where this can be useful is when managing complex application state, where the available data changes over time. Let’s consider a simple example, where we’re writing code to handle a logon request from a user, and we want to check if the user in question is authorized to logon.
We’ll assume that the user logging in is authenticated as a particular name, but that in order to authenticate, we need to do two things: to translate that user-name into a numeric user-id, and to fetch permissions for the service in question; once we have both, we can check if the user-id is permitted to log on.
Without GADTs, we might model the state of a single logon request as follows.
Here, User_name.t
represents a textual name, User_id.t
represents an integer identifier associated with a user, and a Permissions.t
lets you determine which User_id.t
’s are authorized to log in.
Here’s how we might write a function for testing whether a given request is authorized.
The intent is to only call this function once the data is complete, i.e., when the user_id
and permissions
fields have been filled in, which is why it errors out if the data is incomplete.
The code above works just fine for a simple case like this. But in a real system, your code can get more complicated in multiple ways, e.g.,
- more fields to manage, including more optional fields,
- more operations that depend on these optional fields,
- multiple requests to be handled in parallel, each of which might be in a different state of completion.
As this kind of complexity creeps in, it can be useful to be able to track the state of a given request at the type level, and to use that to narrow the set of states a given request can be in, thereby removing some extra case analysis and error handling, which can reduce the complexity of the code and remove opportunities for mistakes.
One way of doing this is to mint different types to represent different states of the request, e.g., one type for an incomplete request where various fields are optional, and a different type where all of the data is mandatory.
While this works, it can be awkward and verbose. With GADTs, we can track the state of the request in a type parameter, and have that parameter be used to narrow the set of available cases, without duplicating the type.
A Completion-Sensitive Option Type
We’ll start by creating an option type that is sensitive to whether our request is in a complete or incomplete state. To do that, we’ll mint types to represent the states of being complete and incomplete.
The definition of the types doesn’t really matter, since we’re never instantiating these types, just using them as markers of different states. All that matters is that the types are distinct.
Now we can mint a completeness-sensitive option type. Note the two type variables: the first indicates the type of the contents of the option, and the second indicates whether this is being used in an incomplete state.
We use Absent
and Present
rather than Some
or None
to make the code less confusing when both option
and coption
are used together.
You might notice that we haven’t used complete
here explicitly. Instead, what we’ve done is to ensure that only an incomplete coption
can be Absent
. Accordingly, a coption
that’s complete
(and therefore not incomplete
) can only be Present
This is easier to understand with some examples. Consider the following function for getting the value out of a coption
, returning a default value if Absent
is found.
Note that the incomplete
type was inferred here. If we annotate the coption
as complete
, the code no longer compiles.
We can make this compile by deleting the Absent
branch (and the now useless default
We could write this more simply as:
As we can see, when the coption
is known to be complete
, the pattern matching is narrowed to just the Present
A Completion-Sensitive Request Type
We can use coption
to define a completion-sensitive version of logon_request
There’s a single type parameter for the logon_request
that marks whether it’s complete
, at which point, both the user_id
and permissions
fields will be complete
as well.
As before, it’s easy to fill in the user_id
and permissions
Note that filling in the fields doesn’t automatically mark a request as complete
. To do that, we need to explicitly test for completeness, and then construct a version of the record with just the completed fields filled in.
The result is polymorphic, meaning it can return a logon request of any kind, which includes the possibility of returning a complete request. In practice, the function type is easier to understand if we constrain the return value to explicitly return a complete
Finally, we can write an authorization checker that works unconditionally on a complete login request.
After all that work, the result may seem a bit underwhelming, and indeed, most of the time, this kind of narrowing isn’t worth the complexity of setting it up. But for a sufficiently complex state machine, cutting down on the possibilities that your code needs to contemplate can make a big difference to the comprehensibility and correctness of the result.
Type Distinctness and Abstraction
In the example in this section, we used two types, complete
and incomplete
to mark different states, and we defined those types so as to be in some sense obviously different.
This isn’t strictly necessary. Here’s another way of defining these types that makes them less obviously distinct.
OCaml’s variant types are nominal, so complete
and incomplete
are distinct types, despite having variants of the same name, as you can see when we try to put instances of each type in the same list.
As a result, we can narrow a pattern match using these types as indices, much as we did earlier. First, we set up the coption
Then, we write a function that requires the coption
to be complete, and accordingly, need only contemplate the Present
An easy-to-miss issue here is that the way we expose these types through an interface can cause OCaml to lose track of the distinctness of the types in question. Consider this version, where we entirely hide the definition of complete
and incomplete
Now, the assume_complete
function we wrote is no longer found to be exhaustive.
That’s because by leaving the types abstract, we’ve entirely hidden the underlying types, leaving the type system with no evidence that the types are distinct.
Let’s see what happens if we expose the implementation of these types.
But the result is still not exhaustive!
In order to be exhaustive, we need the types that are exposed to be definitively different, which would be the case if we defined them as variants with differently named tags, as we did originally.
The reason for this is that types that appear to be different in an interface may turn out to be the same in the implementation, as we can see below.
All of which is to say: when creating types to act as abstract markers for the type parameter of a GADT, you should choose definitions that make the distinctness of those types clear, and you should expose those definitions in your mli
Narrowing Without GADTs
Thus far, we’ve only seen narrowing in the context of GADTs, but OCaml can eliminate impossible cases from ordinary variants too. As with GADTs, to eliminate a case you need to demonstrate that the case in question is impossible at the type level.
One way to do this is via an uninhabited type, which is a type that has no associated values. You can declare such a value by creating a variant with no tags.
This turns out to be useful enough that Base
has a standard uninhabited type, Nothing.t
So, how does an uninhabited type help? Well, consider the Result.t
type, discussed in as described in Chapter 7, Error Handling. Normally, to match a Result.t
, you need to handle both the Ok
and Error
But if the Error
case contains an uninhabitable type, well, that case can never be instantiated, and OCaml will tell you as much.
We can follow the advice above, and add a so-called refutation case.
The period in the final case tells the compiler that we believe this case can never be reached, and OCaml will verify that it’s true. In some simple cases, however, the compiler can automatically add the refutation case for you, so you don’t need to write it out explicitly.
Narrowing with uninhabitable types can be useful when using a highly configurable library that supports multiple different modes of use, not all of which are necessarily needed for a given application. One example of this comes from Async
’s RPC (remote procedure-call) library. Async RPCs support a particular flavor of interaction called a State_rpc
. Such an RPC is parameterized by four types, for four different kinds of data:
, for the initial client request,state
, for the initial snapshot returned by the server,update
, for the sequence of updates to that snapshot, anderror
, for an error to terminate the stream.
Now, imagine you want to use a State_rpc
in a context where you don’t need to terminate the stream with a custom error. We could just instantiate the State_rpc
using the type unit
for the error type.
But with this approach, you still have to handle the error case when writing code to dispatch the RPC.
An alternative approach is to use an uninhabited type for the error:
Now, we’ve essentially banned the use of the error
type, and as a result, our dispatch function needs only deal with the Ok
What’s nice about this example is that it shows that narrowing can be applied to code that isn’t designed with narrowing in mind.
Limitations of GADTs
Hopefully, we’ve demonstrated the utility of GADTs, while at the same time showing some of the attendant complexities. In this final section, we’re going to highlight some remaining difficulties with using GADTs that you may run into, as well as how to work around them.
GADTs don’t work well with or-patterns. Consider the following type that represents various ways we might use for obtaining some piece of data.
We can write a function that takes a Source_kind.t
and the corresponding source, and prints it out.
But, observing that the right-hand side of Raw_data
and Filename
are the same, you might try to merge those cases together with an or-pattern. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work.
Or-patterns do sometimes work, but only when you don’t make use of the type information that is discovered during the pattern match. Here’s an example of a function that uses or-patterns successfully.
In any case, the lack of or-patterns is annoying, but it’s not a big deal, since you can reduce the code duplication by pulling out most of the content of the duplicated right-hand sides into functions that can be called in each of the duplicated cases.
Deriving Serializers
As will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 20, Data Serialization With S-Expressions, s-expressions are a convenient data format for representing structured data. Rather than write the serializers and deserializers by hand, we typically use ppx_sexp_value
, which is a syntax extension which auto-generates these functions for a given type, based on that type’s definition.
Here’s an example:
While [@@deriving sexp]
works with most types, it doesn’t always work with GADTs.
The error message is pretty awful, but if you stop and think about it, it’s not too surprising that we ran into trouble here. What should the type of number_kind_of_sexp
be anyway? When parsing "Int"
, the returned type would have to be int number_kind
, and when parsing "Float"
, the type would have to be float number_kind
. That kind of dependency between the value of an argument and the type of the returned value is just not expressible in OCaml’s type system.
This argument doesn’t stop us from serializing, and indeed, [@@deriving sexp_of]
, which only creates the serializer, works just fine.
It is possible to build a deserializer for number_kind
, but it’s tricky. First, we’ll need a type that packs up a number_kind
while hiding its type parameter. This is going to be the value we return from our parser.
Next, we’ll need to create a non-GADT version of our type, for which we’ll derive a deserializer.
Then, we write a function for converting from our non-GADT type to the packed variety.
Finally, we combine our generated sexp-converter with our conversion type to produce the full deserialization function.
And here’s that function in action.
While all of this is doable, it’s definitely awkward, and requires some unpleasant code duplication.